Take It Away Anna

Anna's take aways from life.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Please take the daga away

I can handle cockroaches. I can kill them with my slippers without freaking out. But a mouse. OMG. I get panic attacks.

I was talking to honeybunch when I saw a something like a moving shadow crawling on the floor. It was too gray to be a cockroach. Too large to be a cockroach. Waaaah! Daga!!!

To me, seeing a daga is just as good as seeing an aswang. Hindi ko talaga kaya. It's not a gross out type of fear but an I'm-going-to-die-if-I-see-it-again kind of fear. You might think I'm OA, but I'm sorry, dagas ARE my greatest fear.

So for tonight, my greatest take away is that I wish and pray that someone takes away the daga in my room. Please. Please. Please.

I am in my mommy and daddy's room now where I think there is no daga. I am scared to death to go back to my room. I think I will sleep here for the next 3 nights until someone takes the daga away.